On the eve of the dreaded university entrance examinations, the lives of 24 of the smartest and brightest students at one high school, are on the line. Locked inside a classroom and nowhere to escape, a television monitor broadcasts a terrified Hae-yeong, the top student at the high school, tied up and seated on a chair inside an aquarium that slowly begins to fill with water. A voice from the monitor announces if the 24 cannot finish the exam administered within the allotted time given, Hae-yeong will die and so will everyone held captive inside the classroom. Thus begins the examination that will determine whether they live or die.
- Movie: Death Bell (English title) / Midterm Exams: Blood (literal)
- Revised romanization: Gosa: Piui Jungkan Gosa
- Hangul: 고사: 피의 중간고사
- Director: Chang
- Writer: Kim Eun-Kyung, Chang
- Producer: Kim Kwang-Su, Lim Seong-Bin, Hong Jung-Pyo
- Cinematography: Heo Seong-Ryong
- Release Date: August 7, 2008
- Runtime: 88 min.
- Genre: Horror / Thriller
- Distributor: SK Telecom
- Language: Korean
- Country: South Korea
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